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What are some of the most unique and unexpected uses of technology?


  1. Virtual and augmented reality in healthcare - Used for surgical simulations, patient diagnosis and treatment planning.

  2. AI in agriculture - Used for crop monitoring, prediction of yield and disease control.

  3. Drones in wildlife conservation - Used for monitoring wildlife populations and habitats.

  4. Blockchain in voting systems - Used to secure and count votes in elections.

  5. 3D Printing in construction - Used to build houses and other structures.

  6. Robotics in customer service - Used for providing customer support and assistance.

  7. AI in art - Used to generate new styles of art and music.

  8. AI in finance - Used for fraud detection and risk management.

  9. Wearables in sports - Used for performance tracking and analysis.

  10. Internet of Things in environmental monitoring - Used to track environmental data and help mitigate climate change.

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