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How can I find new guest posting sites?


Photo Source Google.

    There are several ways to find new guest posting sites where you can submit your content:

    1. Use Google search: Use keywords related to your niche and add "write for us" or "guest post" to the search query. For example, "fitness write for us" or "health guest post." This will bring up a list of websites that accept guest posts in that niche.

    2. Check out competitor's sites: Look at websites similar to yours and see if they have a "write for us" or "submit a guest post" page. You can also check out their blog to see if they feature guest posts from other authors.

    3. Use social media: Check out Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook groups related to your niche and look for opportunities to guest post. You can also reach out to influencers in your niche and ask if they accept guest posts on their website.

    4. Join guest blogging communities: There are many online communities, such as BloggerLinkUp, MyBlogU, and GuestPost.com, that connect bloggers and website owners looking for guest bloggers.

    5. Use tools like Ahrefs or SEMrush to find the backlinks of your competitors and see if any of those sites accept guest posts,

    It's important to note that you should always check the guest post guidelines and make sure the website is a good fit for your content before submitting your guest post.

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